Technical Assistance Forums (TAFs) will be hosted by the Fund Manager to bring together representatives of the respective partner governments and developers with representatives of the donors and financiers contributing to the facility on a regular basis.

TAF will be hosted by the Fund Manager to bring together representatives of the respective partner governments and developers with representatives of the donors and financiers contributing to the facility on a regular basis. The TAF will be open to government representatives, developers, financial institutions, and various other stakeholders. It is anticipated that TAF will coincide with the international geothermal development meetings, such as the Global Geothermal Development Plan (GGDP) roundtables. The TAF will provide opportunities for participating members to coordinate on existing and planned programs utilizing GDF funds; discuss current geothermal development trends in the region; address best-practice regulatory and legal frameworks; and facilitate the cooperation of private and public entities. It is the goal of the TAF to assist partner governments in implementing and enabling regulatory framework conditions, as well as enabling tariff and network conditions.

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