The GDF will provide grants to developers through a competitive, transparent, and rigorous process. The entire application and reporting is performed online. The first step is for a developer to submit a simple sign-up survey.

General Procedure

The GDF will provide grants to developers through a competitive, transparent, and rigorous two-stage application process. This comprises a pre-application Expression of Interest (EOI), as well as a full Call for Proposal (CFP) application phase for each grant type: Surface Studies or Drilling activity. The entire application process and procedure is performed online. Submission forms are completed online and, due to donor procurement guidelines, confirmed by the Applicant with executed hard copies.

The first step is for a developer to submit a simple sign-up survey that will gather general information about the prospective applicant and their project. That information will be reviewed and an email will be sent to the developer with further details on how to complete the EOI or CFP process including instructions and guidelines. Applications can be started and saved for completion at a later date.

The applicant will be required to upload several documents during the process. It is a good idea for the developer to prepare all documents before attempting to complete either an EOI or an application. A list of required documents will be provided to the developer along with links and instructions.

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Responsible Development

GDF is committed to supporting the responsible development of geothermal projects. Further information may be found in the Sustainability Guidebook (download here). However, below are relevant summaries.

Environmental, Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) for Surface Study Grants

No ESIA is required for surface study grant funding. However, the applicant will need to prove that they have the relevant local permits for the activity proposed and that they have legitimate access to the survey area. This may be a concession permit, landowner agreement or other such documentation.

Environmental, Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) for Contingency Grants (Drilling Programs)

An ESIA to IFC/World Bank standards will be required for contingency grant funding for drilling programs. A project without an ESIA (or at least in the advanced stage of completion), to at least local standards, cannot be accepted.

If a project is submitted for consideration and the potential grantee is selected for an award, the Fund, at its discretion, may award a grant contingent on receipt of an applicable and complete ESIA. Certain ESIA activities may be considered eligible for grant funding. The Fund may also require an applicant to complete a GAP analysis by a third party and remedy any issues identified.

Additional Safeguards

Sustainability guidelines also affect health, safety and labor standards. The applicant will be required to certify that they will meet all relevant local rules for health, safety and labor standards.

Initial Sign-up Survey

An applicant must first complete an initial sign-up survey. This simple survey is taken on-line to gather demographic information about the applicant, their proposed project, and if applicable to assign an applicant an identification number (AID). Upon review of the completed sign-up survey an applicant will be contacted with their AID details and provided with further information regarding data submission and the application process will be concluded between GDF and the Applicant. The Grant Agreements set requirements for the follow-up monitoring and reporting of the activities as well as specifications on the disbursement of grant funds. Contingent grant agreements also include success payback criteria.

Pre-qualification Phase

The first stage of the application procedure is an open prequalification process inviting potential applicants to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) within a specified period. The EOI is submitted on-line following instructions an applicant receives via email following completion of the sign-up survey. As an applicant, you can submit multiple EOIs for different eligible activities or projects. Applicants whose surface studies were funded in one application round can apply for exploration drilling programs in one of the next application rounds without resubmitting an EOI. EOIs that score over a certain threshold (70%) successfully pass the pre-qualification phase and will be short-listed and invited to submit a full proposal in the CFP phase.

CFP Phase

In the second stage, applications from short-listed applicants will be accepted within a specified period of time. Applications that score over a certain threshold (70%) and are recommended for funding may be invited to enter into contract negotiations with the Fund Managers for funding of their proposed project activities.

Grant Agreements

In the case of a successful negotiation, the Grant Agreements will be concluded between GDF and the Applicant. The Grant Agreements set requirements for the follow-up monitoring and reporting of the activities as well as specifications on the disbursement of grant funds. Contingent grant agreements also include success payback criteria.pulvinar dapibus leo.

GDF’s Data Protection Policy

Protecting your privacy is a serious matter. We will collect, process and utilize data only if you supply this information voluntarily. GDF and the Fund Managers will not knowingly provide third parties with any personal data that you may have sent to us without first obtaining your express permission.

We employ cloud-based commercially available database systems to manage all data. As far as possible, we apply technical and organizational security measures to help protect your data against accidental or willful manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. However, be aware that these systems are not fool-proof and the applicant should take that into consideration.

All data provided by an applicant will be used exclusively with regard to management of the Fund and pertinent grants. For administrative and legal reasons all applicants must permit the use of the data and release the Fund Managers from all liability regarding proprietary data and security. As such, once data is voluntarily provided by the applicant it is not considered proprietary by the Fund Managers for the purpose of managing the data, the GDF, or related activities. However, no data will intentionally be disseminated outside of the Fund Managers without written and express approval by the applicant that submitted the data.

Should you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data please do not hesitate to contact IDA directly via Email address

What is the GDF?

How to apply for a grant?

We believe in sustainable practices